Saturday, February 27, 2021


TaiChi: Effect on Stress and Anxiety

This video discusses how tai chi reduces stress and anxiety.



Tai Chi Has Similar or Greater Benefits
Than Aerobic Exercise for Fibromyalgia,
Study Shows


Tai chi results in similar or greater improvement in fibromyalgia symptoms when compared to aerobic exercise, according to a new study from Tufts University and Brown University. 

Aerobic exercise, a core part of standard fibromyalgia treatment, is the most commonly prescribed non-drug treatment for the disorder, which can involve widespread pain, tenderness, fatigue, and other symptoms.

Findings from the new study, however, suggest that tai chi is another therapeutic option. The study, partially funded by the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH), was published in the BMJ.



Tai Chi Kick Defence

Defense against roundhouse kicks 
and push kicks as well as some elbow work.


"Time, people, the world, and the 
universe sail on tides of expansion, 
exchange, and retreating." 


 - TaiChi_John


Sunday, February 21, 2021


First crafted in the 1300s in Baoding, China, Chinese 
exercise balls were made to promote hand strength, 
dexterity, relaxation, and overall health. 
Some exercise balls are solid while others are hollow. The
hollow versions are manufactured with internal chimes; one
with a high tone and one with a low tone in a pair. The purpose 
of the chimes is to send yin and yang vibrations through the 
hands to help promote healing, chi circulation, 
and relaxation throughout the body.
The skill of being able to rotate the balls in the palm, without 
the balls touching, is a level of achievement and advancing 
ability indicative of increased hand strength and agility.

- TaiChi_John 


Powerful Tai Chi Self Defense Moves

Powerful Tai Chi Self Defense Moves Video: If you're not able
 to talk your way out of a confrontation, then use these 
Tai Chi Chuan moves for self-defense applications.


"Time, people, the world, and the universe 
sail on tides of expansion, 
exchange, and retreating." 



- TaiChi_John



Sun Style Taijiquan

Liu Xiao Ling demonstrating Sun Style Taijiquan
 at the Taiji Festival in Rockville, MD - April 29, 2017



Happy New Year of the Ox  2021 

The Chinese Zodiac ox represents hard working, 
determination, strength, and movement. 
In an ox year expect change and advancement. 

 - TaiChi_John


Sunday, February 14, 2021


48 Form Combined Taiji Quan

Ms. Hou Wen performs 48 Form Combined Taiji, 
a compulsory Wushu competition form that gets its 
movements from Chen, Yang, Wu, and Sun Styles.

Saturday, February 13, 2021


"Looking down we are shadowed, 
looking up we are illuminated." 


Illustration: J. R. Wilson

 - TaiChi_John



18 Breathing & Movement Exercises (Qi Gong)

This series of 18 specific movements is called Lian Gong Yi Qi Gong and can be translated as "the practice of 18 health exercises to strengthen vital energy (练功十八法益气功)." It incorporates deep, relaxed breathing and gentle, meditative movements which work to balance the flow of energy through the Lung, Large Intestine, and Kidney channels, which are important for respiratory health. 
• Benefits of Lian Gong Yi Qi Gong include: 
• Improved lung capacity 
• Increased mobility in the muscles surrounding 
the diaphragm and rib cage 
• Massage for the internal organs and lymphatic system 
• Improved digestion and elimination


The concept that you can take active 
responsibility for your own health through 
a positive attitude, exercise, and good nutrition.
- TaiChi_John

Saturday, February 6, 2021

Taijiquan Applications:

Left Single Whip to Raise Arm Step Forward

An analysis of applications from the Chen Pan Ling taijiquan form - from the movement known as "left single whip" to "raise arm and move forward."
From the Academy of Traditional Fighting Arts 
and The Way of Least Resistance blog 


Zhaobao Tai Chi
Master Yaoxian Ma

Master Yaoxian Ma in Hakone Garden
Saratoga, CA USA


"Some may associate Tai Chi 
with elderly practitioners, 
but Tai Chi is good for any age."
- TaiChi_John