Sunday, November 26, 2023


2023/08/27「太極羅漢」-竹塹社大黃藍穎教練團教練群師生及黃藍穎老師新楊平社大新屋班、平鎮班、執中分會、桃療班學員聯合演出/指導老師:黃藍穎總教練/ 影片: 影片太極武藝協會提供

(Tai Chi Arhat - Zuquianshe Coach Dahuan Lanying - Training groups students and teachers and Teacher Duhuan Lanying new Yangping Social University New House class, Pingzhen class, executive branch, Peach therapy class, Students United Performance/direction tutor: Head Coach Duhuan Lanying, Movie: Video Tai Chi Wu provided by Arts Association.)



演出人員|竹塹社大黃藍穎教練團太極班教練群師生、黃藍穎老師新楊平社大新屋班、平鎮班、執中分會及桃療班學員 指導老師|黃藍穎總教練 單位|新竹市科學城薪傳鄭子太極拳協會˙新竹縣鄭子太極拳研究會 表演介紹|江秀菊教練撰寫 
 快速勇猛、舞動如飛、虎虎生風的對棍,揭開了太極羅漢的序幕,接著各有特色的武術將依序出場 :
1. 三才劍,樸實無華,剛健大方,是劍術的基本劍法 
2. 少林棍,技擊性強、步法穩健、動作剛健有力、舒展大方、走架靈活、身棍合一、快慢相間 
3. 鄭子37式太極拳、鄭子54式太極劍、56式太極拳、42式太極拳、24式太極拳等不同風格的拳架 
4. 接著上場的是手急眼快、令人有迅雷不急掩耳之感的百兵之王”楊家槍” 
5. 難得一見、威武神勇的大刀 
6. 靈動美妙的六合刀 
7. 氣勢剛猛、勁道十足、手法豐富、形意氣力高度統一的羅漢拳 8. 導引太極獨特的螺旋纏絲勁 
9. 十八式劍,劍法清晰、圓活連貫、身械協調 
10. 楊家槍英姿煥發的霸王卸甲,完美的呈現收勢

“Stop acting so small. You are 
the universe in ecstatic motion.” 
- Rumi



Wu Hao Style Tai Chi - 10 Moves

Grandmaster Jimmy Wong performs 10 moves in a demonstration of Wu Hao Taiji. Grandmaster Jimmy K. Wong (Wang Guo Qiang 王国强) is the 6th Generation Direct lineage of the Wu Yu Xiang Wu/Hao Tai chi system. Fifth Generation GrandMasters Wu Wen Han and Chen Gu An accepted him as their disciple. Grandmaster Wong's mission is to spread Traditional Wu/Hao Tai Chi making it available to all those interested through an ONLINE STUDY website: 
...or come to his school in Dallas Texas to learn from him personally. 
He has also conducted seminars and workshops nationally and internationally. His page is wu hao tai chi. He also has had the privilege of studying Water Boxing (Liuhebafa) in China from Grandmaster Lu Gui Yao who is the last disciple of Great Grandmaster Wu Yi Hui and also studied Yang Style from Gmaster Tu Chungking. 
Website : 
He can be contacted at or telephone 1 214 878 4598

“The simple things are also the most extraordinary things, and only the wise can see them.” 
- Paulo Coelho



Song in Tai Chi Chuan - Relative Density


"Song" or 'release' in Tai Chi Chuan is often surrounded with mystical or magical thinking. Here coach Chris breaks down Song into a simple concept he calls 'Relative Density' Taken from the Tai Chi Academy 'Combat' section where we look at Tai Chi as a Practical Fighting Art
Launching Jan 2021:

“Why fit in when you were born to stand out?” 
- Dr. Seuss


Sunday, November 19, 2023


Authentic Wudang Tai Chi Chuan 13 Steps

Register for our online school: or join our membership:    / @michaelweichhardt   
If you want to send stuff to our school you can do that. We will review/showcase it on our channel. The post address is:
Wudang Academy, Siebenbrunnenfeldgasse 12/1, 
Postcode: 1050, 
City: Vienna, Country: Austria

“Talent hits a target no one else can hit. 
Genius hits a target no one else can see.” 
- Arthur Schopenhauer



Adam Mizner Explains How to Approach Push Hands - Consciousness is Key, Not Mechanical, Not Thinking


With millions practicing Taijiquan today, still, push hands is largely misunderstood despite being a key training method. To some it is a shoving match, to see who is the strongest and trickiest. To some, it is an exercise in turn on, tune in and switch off, mindlessly and mechanically going through the motions. These are major errors. So no wonder the skills one is meant to embody by practicing the push hands training methods are not all that common today, given how practitioners are approaching in the contemporary Taijiquan world!
During the intensive, one month camp in February, in Phuket, Thailand, Sifu Adam Mizner takes a moment to explain how to practice push hands correctly. He describes how the consciousness must penetrate deeply, and completely throughout the body while being present in the pushing hands exercise, without resorting to thinking what to do based on what the partner is doing (too slow, among other things) or just running through the motions with very little attention. 
Would you like to find out more? Then to go deeper, discover more of the insightful instruction and authentic, proven methods at: 


“And the day came when the risk to remain tight 
in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” 
- Anais Nin



 Decoding the Secrets of Tai Chi Classics: A Deep Dive  
Chen style Tai Chi is known for its beautiful and explosive spiraling motions called Silk Reeling Energy. The founder of Yang style Tai Chi evolved Chen to Yang style Tai Chi, but is this Silk Reeling Energy lost? 
You might think that Yang style Tai Chi is more linear with less twisting. And you'd be right to realize that it's not quite that straightforward because underneath the smooth Yang style motions are how Yang style preserves the essence of Silk Reeling, the way of applying energy as if to manipulate the silk of a delicate silk cocoon.


“Courage is the most important of all the virtues because without courage, you can't practice any other virtue consistently.”  
- Maya Angelou

Sunday, November 12, 2023


Wu Hao Tai Chi Centro de la Virtud Marcial


Clase de Tai Chi Wu Hao
(Wu/Hao Tai Chi is one of the 5 traditional, 
orthodox, or "family"styles of Tai Chi Chuan. - TCJ)



“All we have to decide is what to do 
with the time that is given us.” 
- J.R.R. Tolkien


Cheng Man-ch'ing's 37 Form Application


April 27th, 2007. 2-28 Peace Park Taipei, Taiwan. Our master is Jeng Shean Chih (Zheng Xian Qi). His master is Huang Sheng Shyan. The applications in this video were performed on me by my senior classmate, Huang Jeng Bin. His website is

“Promise me you'll always remember: 
You're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.” 
- Carter Crocker 



2 basic footwork movements demonstrated 
for my traditional sun style classes.

“We have to dare to be ourselves, however 
frightening or strange that self may prove to be.” 
- May Sarton


Sunday, November 5, 2023


Tai Chi Stages of Internal Development

- Beginner to Advanced


Yang Yuting Wu Style Tai Chi


“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” 
 - Aristotle



Song In Tai Chi: Perfect Physical Lightness

(A Partner Exercise)


Physical Relaxation (Song - 鬆) involves a balance of opposites. 
The right balance of:
1. Soft yielding and firm structure
2. Floating lightly yet sinking your weight
3. A stable stillness and a responsive balance 
So it's not surprising that the art of Tai Chi Song (鬆) is really about finding the equilibrium state Zhong Ding (中定) where you have all the best qualities available to you. 
In this video learn a simple exercise to become aware of this balance, and discover how much more capacity to be comfortable that you can begin to access. 
This video is part of a mini-series exploring the Tai Chi concept of relaxation and non-conflict called Song (鬆). Check out the other videos in the series for a deeper understanding on this transformative topic! 
Overview of Tai Chi Relaxation: 
  • Song in Tai Chi: Ultimate Relaxation ...   Guided Meditation for Complete Relaxation  
   • Experience Deep Relaxation & Powerful...   Qigong for Opening and Releasing Your Yin and Yang  
    • Song In Tai Chi: Becoming A Yin Yang ...   Beyond Physical Relaxation, a Spiritual Presence  

“Never tell the truth to people 
who are not worthy of it.” 
 - Mark Twain



Cheng Man Ching 37 Forms Taichi

- From Wuji to Taiji


The 37 movement Cheng Manching form of Taichi is an excellent form for the practice of Wuji. Wuji is the state of emptiness or relaxation that we start with. From this state, we transform into taichi (taiji), the state of having yin and yang. 
This form let us perform transformation of Wuji to Yin and Yang in every movement. In this way, your Taichi practice brings this cycle of creation into a living reality within your body. 
Learn more about Tai Chi and experience the benefits of these practices. Beyond that, you may be delighted as you discover how surprisingly easy it can be to learn as you gently and profoundly transform your way of living. 
Subscribe and see more positive and transformative mini lessons.


“What is the point of being alive if 
you don't at least try to do something remarkable?” 
- John Green