Saturday, May 29, 2021

Wu Style Tai Chi Counter Throws


Grandmaster Johnny Lee, Lee's White Leopard Kung Fu School, 4th generation student of Ma Yue Liang demonstrating Wu Style fighting tradition.

"Patience is more than a virtue, 
it is a mode of evolution and advancement." 
 - TaiChi_John



"Handed down by masters over many centuries, 
tai chi awaits your exploration."
- TaiChi_John
Image: Wu Style Master Wu Jianquan


太極拳十要 Ten Essentials of Tai Chi Quan


(繁體) 楊澄甫大師提出的太極拳「十要」,初學太極拳不得不知,包括「虛靈頂勁」、「含胸拔背」、「鬆腰」、「虛實分明」、「沉肩墜肘」、「用意不用力」、「上下相隨」、「內外相合」、「連綿不斷」和「動中求靜」。這裡透過林明秀老師的太極拳演示,附加「太極拳十要」的要領說明,希望大家能夠從日常的練習中逐次領略其精髓。 (简体) 杨澄甫大师提出的太极拳“十要”,初学太极拳不得不知,包括“虚灵顶劲”、“含胸拔背”、“松腰”、“虚实分明”、“沉肩坠肘”、“用意不用力”、“上下相随”、“内外相合”、“连绵不断”和“动中求静”。这里透过林明秀老师的太极拳演示,附加“太极拳十要”的要领说明,希望大家能够从日常的练习中逐次领略其精髓。 
The "Ten Essentials of Tai Chi Quan,” written by Master Yang Chengfu, is a must know for beginners. 
These include: “Erect the head and relax the neck,” “Contract the chest and lengthen the back,” “Loosen the waist,” “Distinguish between the void-ness and solid-ness,” “Falling shoulders and elbows,” “Intention without force,” “Follow up and down,” “Harmony of internal and external,” “Continuous movement,” and “Seeking static in movement.” 
In this video they are presented with a demonstration of Tai Chi Quan by master Lin Min-Hsiou, along with the key points summarized from "Ten Essentials of Tai Chi Quan." These are offered with hope that everyone can learn the essence of tai chi gradually from daily practice. 
Correction: Beginners should never shrug.

Sunday, May 23, 2021


Tai Chi & Aikido

“The feminine, the valley, the spontaneity 
of spiritual transformation, this subtle 
and profound way to wonder is
the most powerfully creative principle.” 
- Zhu Xi
Image: González Romero 



Tai Chi Stockform Pekingform | Taiji Gun

24 Steps

24er Tai Chi Stockform / 24 Steps Taiji Gun (Staff / Stick) Diese Stockform basiert auf der traditionellen waffenlosen Yang Stil Pekingform. 


"A group that does tai chi together 
is likely to be healthy, happy, and resilient." 
 - TaiChi_John


Tai Chi Master Zhai Weichuan

Master Zhai Weichuan
5th generation of Wu (Yuxiang) Style Taijiquan
(Wu/Hao Tai Chi Chuan)

Monday, May 17, 2021


“Nature is the highest good 
and the highest excellence lies 
in accepting the laws of nature completely.” 
- Zhu Xi
Neo-Confucian Philosopher


"Tai Chi & Qigong are like 
opening all the faucets 
and letting the life energy 
flow though your body." 
 - TaiChi_John


Introduction to Wu Style Tai Chi Chuan

Edna Silva, RN, founder of the Center for Wu Style T'ai Chi Chuan 
in Tucson, Arizona, provides an introduction to Tai Chi, a 
powerful martial art that uses the mind, not force.


China's Mystical All-Purpose Art: Qigong

Qigong (July 1995) Qigong is the art of harnessing the force that is said to give nature its pattern. Subscribe to Journeyman here:  
Millions of Chinese get out of bed for it every morning. A qualified physiotherapist uses it to treat her patients. People break bricks in half with it. And it's more dedicated followers believe that it can help beat cancer. Followers believe that Qigong energy can be transferred from one person to another. They say that mice infused with Qigong energy can swim longer than mice without it. In China mass healings are carried out using the energy. There is no doubt Qigong keeps its followers fit and healthy. And although there is scepticism about its more tenuous abilities, for millions of Chinese, Qigong works. 
 For more information, visit  


"Taoism teaches to rename life's hardships as opportunities and challenges as treasures." 
- TaiChi_John

Sunday, May 9, 2021


Taijiquan Wu Style (1st part)

School of Wu Yinghua/Ma Yueliang/Shi Meilin

The complete long form of the Wu style Taijiquan is divided into 6 parts. Elena Camesi Janke performs the 1st part of the form at "la Fabbrica" in Losone, Switzerland. The other parts of the form are also online. 1985-88 Elena learned in Shanghai the Wu style Taijiquan from the family members of the founders of this style, the great masters Wu Yinghua, Ma Yueliang and Shi Meilin. Elena is founder of the Yinianzhai School of Qigong and Taijiquan in Switzerland. 
Do you want to learn this Taijiquan form? Please contact us at:

“There is no fixed shape to the preservation
 of perfect balance; it depends 
on the circumstances of the moment.” 
- Zhu Xi
Neo-Confucian Philosopher



2021 年春雪 梅花树下武当凌云随手 

一套太极拳 身如游龙 

In the spring of 2021,
Wudang Lingyun Snow Plum Blossom 
4k Tai Chi

Wudang Neijiaquan is an exquisite traditional boxing method that integrates martial arts and self-cultivation. It belongs to Wudang martial arts. There are martial arts characteristics that use static braking, softness to overcome rigidity, four or two to dial a 
thousand catties, and the first to come first; there are also martial 
arts styles that move like clouds and flowing water, continuous, 
rigid and soft, and contain but not revealed. 
It has the unique effects of inspiring potential, invigorating wisdom, invigorating the human body, strengthening the body, curing diseases, and prolonging life. It is the crystal of Chinese martial arts and the treasure of Eastern culture. 
Taijiquan does not refer to the simple taijiquan routines that you 
see, but a combination of three different levels of martial arts and exercises, namely, Liangyi, Taichi, and Promise. From outside to inside, from movement to static, from the outside to the inside, from the movement to the stillness. Beginner to advanced level, combine dynamic and static, and practice a complete exercise method both internally and externally. 


Yang Style Tai Chi 

by Grandmaster Niu Chunming in 1960

Grandmaster Niu Chunming was a Tai Chi master, 
and student of the very famous master, Yang Cheng Fu. 
This video shows Grandmaster Niu demonstrating his
forms in 1960.


“Forget the years, forget distinctions. Leap into 
the boundless and make it your home!” 
- Chuang Tzu

Sunday, May 2, 2021


Tai Chi City Handan, China

Special Police Force Training

Yang Style Tai Chi  杨式太极拳

Handan is the tai chi city of Yang Lu Chan and Wu Yu Xiang. 
Special Police Force here train traditional Yang Style Tai Chi. 


"When thinking is the source of your problems, 
stillness may be the source of your solutions." 
- TaiChi_John


Tai Chi Wu Hao 武郝太极拳
Master Wong 王国强 Explains the Benefits
of the Intrinsic Value

In the beautiful Perhentian Island of Malaysia, Master Jimmy Wong performes Wu Hao Tai Chi. Grand Master Jimmy Wong (Wang Guo Qiang 王国强) is the 6th Generation Direct Lineage of the Wu Yu Xiang WU(HAO) Tai chi system. Fifth Generation Grand Masters Wu Wen Han and Chen Gu An took him as their disciple. Grand Master Wong mission's is to spread Traditional Wu(Hao) Tai Chi making it available to all interested through ONLINE STUDY. 
Or come to his school in Dallas Texas to learn from him. He has also conducted seminars and workshops nationally and internationally. He also has the privilege of studying Water Boxing LIUHABAFA in China from Grandmaster Lu Gui Yao who is the last disciple of Great Grand Master Wu Yi Hui and also studied Yang Style from Grand Master Tu Chungking.
Grand Master Wong has taught Wu Hao Tai Chi to many countries like USA, China, India, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, United Kingdom, Spain, Greece, Brazil, Peru, Colombia, Slovenia, Germany, Morocco, Russia, United Emirates and have representatives to their respective countries. 
Website : 
Facebook: Wu Hao Tai Chi


Chen Style 18 Form 


Lisa Kay


"Sometimes you can feel more freedom in moving slowly than you can feel moving at full speed." 
- TaiChi_John