Sunday, March 28, 2021


Tai Chi Masters from China
Performed in the Park in 1959

Several Masters of different styles 
performed in a park in china in 1959.  


"Walk 100 miles and go nowhere. 
Move a few inches and change your life." 
- TaiChi_John


#Chen Style Tai Chi 18  

#陳式太極拳#18 式 (陳健)演示

功效 : 疏通 經絡,以氣運身,透過呼吸吐納 改善 都市人的亞健康狀態, 有助舒緩工作 減壓 ,強化大腿肌肉組織, 對失眠, 預防 冠心病,中風, 加強 血管壁的 彈性, 對腰,膝,頸 起了強化的作用。 
内容: 教授 呼吸吐納,拉筋方法及注意事項,調和及糾正各關節的誤區。 導師:陳健 教練 師資: 
中國武術段位六段 中國一級教練二級裁判 陳氏太極拳第十三代傳人 香港康文及文化事務署教練 
* 授課地點:红磡,美孚,元朗, 
天水圍,屯門 (94851397查詢)


太極拳十要 Ten Essentials of Tai Chi Quan

(繁體) 楊澄甫大師提出的太極拳「十要」,初學太極拳不得不知,包括「虛靈頂勁」、「含胸拔背」、「鬆腰」、「虛實分明」、「沉肩墜肘」、「用意不用力」、「上下相隨」、「內外相合」、「連綿不斷」和「動中求靜」。這裡透過林明秀老師的太極拳演示,附加「太極拳十要」的要領說明,希望大家能夠從日常的練習中逐次領略其精髓。 (简体) 杨澄甫大师提出的太极拳“十要”,初学太极拳不得不知,包括“虚灵顶劲”、“含胸拔背”、“松腰”、“虚实分明”、“沉肩坠肘”、“用意不用力”、“上下相随”、“内外相合”、“连绵不断”和“动中求静”。这里透过林明秀老师的太极拳演示,附加“太极拳十要”的要领说明,希望大家能够从日常的练习中逐次领略其精髓。 
(English) The "Ten Essentials of Tai Chi Quan” highlighted by Master Yang Chengfu is the must to know for beginners. These include “Erect the head and relax the neck,” “Contract the chest and lengthen the back,” “Loosen the waist,” “Distinguish between the voidness and solidness,” “Falling shoulders and elbows,” “Intention without force,” “Follow up and down,” “Harmony of internal and external,” “Continuous movement,” and “Seeking static in movement.” Here comes with a demonstration of Tai Chi Quan by master, Lin Min Hsiou, along with the key points summarized from "Ten Essentials of Tai Chi Quan". Hope everyone can learn the essence gradually from the daily practice.



"It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken 
joy in creative expression and knowledge." 


- Albert Eisnstein


Sunday, March 21, 2021


Tai Chi for Parkinson's Disease


Tai Chi for Parkinson's Disease 

The Stirling Tai-Chi Society


The Stirling Tai-Chi Society

An introduction to The Stirling Tai-Chi Society. The Stirling Tai-Chi Society is a longstanding and well-respected martial arts school and community located in Chicago's Wicker Park / Bucktown neighborhood. 
Founded by Tai-Chi Master Stirling Levine (a practitioner of over 30 years) , the school's curriculum specializes in the Yang-Style of Tai-Chi Chuan as taught by Grand Master Hsu Fun-Yuen. 
Stirling Tai-Chi Society also specializes in the internal martial art of Hsing-I Chuan (also known as Xing-Yi) as taught by Grand Master Wai Lun Choi & Hsu Fun-Yuen. STCS also offers various weapons training (sword, knife, staff, spear, etc.) and a variety kung-fu styles and forms (White Ape, Ta Lu, Tongbei), push-hands training and more. 
Additionally, STCS offers classes in Yin-Yang style Yoga by instructor Debra LaMantia who teaches in the style of Master Paulie Zink. She is a registered teacher of the Ying Yoga Institute. 
Call 847-337-9124 for Yin-Yang Yoga class days and times.


"You have a body with many levels of 
energy moving through it each second. You can 
learn how to integrate with those systems." 
- TaiChi_John





 "For thousands of years people in many 
cultures have studied the life energy in the 
body. Today we can still learn from them." 


- TaiChi_John


Sunday, March 14, 2021


Liang Biying Taiji World Champion

TikToks to Genshin Impact Music


Edit of taiji world champion Liang Biying's Chinese TikToks (Douyin). She is the taijiquan champion of the 15th World Wushu Championships. Set to Ganyu and Zhongli's theme from Genshin Impact.


"Tai Chi & Qigong are part of a long journey. 
You take them a day at a time 
and see where they go." 
 - TaiChi_John

Tai Chi Fan (Front)


Tai Chi Fan (Front)

Ms. Li's Spring 2017 Community Education Tai Chi Fan class. 
Watch and practice the moves at home! For more information
 about upcoming martial arts classes, please contact


"When performing Tai Chi you are 
paint, brush, canvas, easel, and artist."
 - TaiChi_John

QiGong TaiJi Tao Arts - The beauty and Flow of Tai Ji.


QiGong TaiJi Tao Arts 

The beauty and Flow of Tai Ji

A short view of the work of Ursula de Almeida Goldfarb and 
the members of the Living Tao Stiftung (Foundation) 
in Basel, Switzerland. This short trailer shows 
the beauty, elegance and flow of Tai Ji.

Sunday, March 7, 2021

 "Temples are nice but we don't need them 
to find peace, centering, and vitality. 
Those things we bring with us." 


- TaiChi_John


Tai Chi Chuan in 1935


Tai Chi Chuan in 1935

One of the oldest surviving Tai Chi films. Chu Minyi demonstrates
 his Wu style Taijiquan form, and solo training equipment.



"If you can release tension, find your center, 
and focus your mind, you can experience 
Tai Chi and the life force moving within you."  


- TaiChi_John





Teaching Moments from Italy, with Sifu Adam Mizner.