Sunday, June 23, 2024


Wudang Tai Chi 28 Group Performance - Wudang Taiji 28 - 武当太极拳二十八


This form is taught and performed in China at Master Yuan Xiu Gang's school, the Wudang Daoist Traditional Kungfu Academy. Wudang Tai Chi (taiji) is one of the oldest and most original forms of Tai Chi from the original roots of the style. This is The San Feng Pai variation of the Wudang Taiji 28 form. It is a subset of the original San Feng Pai Wudang Taiji 108 form. It is said that this is a direct descendant of the Tai Chi originated by Zhang San Feng 張三丰 in the Song Dynasty in approximately 1200 AD. He is thus the originator of the concept of "Internal Martial Arts".


Yang Sanshou with Sifu Tchoung Demo 1986



"At one with distance, 
one knows how long to walk."
- TaiChi_John



Tai Chi Not a REAL Martial Art:

You're Thinking About it Wrong


Tai Chi (Taijiquan) is often dismissed as an not an effective martial art in the mixed martial arts and modern sports combat circles. I give my argument why in today's modern society where you are engaged in conflict situations daily and cannot win your arguments by knocking out or submitting your opponent, the martial art philosophies of Tai Chi are the most effective in navigating your life's conflicts. 
Learn more about our offerings:  



“What is it that has driven us so far from nature, when it’s nature that flows through our veins?”
- TaiChi_John


Sunday, June 9, 2024



Yáng Shǒuzhōng Yang, Sau Chung (1910-1985), was the eldest son of Grandmaster Yang Cheng Fu. He started learning his family style when he was 8 years old under the strict supervision of his father. At 14, he started to assist his father in teaching Tai chi chuan. By the age of 19, he was travelling throughout China with his father to assist in teaching Tai chi. 
In truth, many people who have claimed to learned from Yang, Cheng Fu actually learned from Yang, Sau Chung. In 1949, he moved to Hong Kong, and he taught privately at his home until his death in 1985. His dedication to Yang Family Tai Chi Chuan was as equally committed as his father, grandfather Yang Chien Hou, and his great grandfather Yang Lu Chan; and, as a result, he achieved one of the highest levels. Yang Sau Chung passed on the family transmission to his First Disciple, Ip Tai Tak, (1958) and his three daughters, Amy - Tai Yee, Mary - Ma Lee and Agnes -- Yee-Li. He also accepted two other Disciples - Chu Gin Soon (1977) and Chu King Hung (1983).
Master Ip Tai Tak was taught the Yang Family's System (now it's called Snake System) and became Master Yang's practice partner for the next 28 years. Ip Tai Tak has two Disciples, John Ding and Bao Tak Fai (Robert Boyd).


"A materialistic perspective
denies the life energy 
that sustains us."
- TaiChi_John


Gabriel Mizner at Prague HME Camp 2022


If you're interested in learning Taiji online from 
Sifu Adam Mizner, access your FREE month of training here -  
Learn about Heaven Man Earth Internal Arts here -  
Join upcoming camps and workshops here -  


Tai Chi Sucks For Fighting?

WRONG you're just doing it wrong!


Want to learn more? I am teaching Tai Chi on this amazing platform called the dojo! the link is below! You'll find that I teach real Tai Chi as I've been doing it since the tender age of six. it's second nature for me and I want to break past all this fake Tai Chi that's been polluting the world! Let's train!  

"In centering, create awareness. 
In movement, sustain balance. 
In softness, know the channels."
- TaiChi_John 




John Bracy demos and explains internal power striking for the internal martial arts. This type of FA JIN is not a push or "bounce back." The strike releases internal energy into the opponent's body. As shown in the video, Bruce Lee was a master of the first kind of internal power - that based on "vertical alignment" and instant weight transfer from the back to the front leg (vertical spring power). 
 Briefly introduced here and described on our website: 
The second type of power is based on Taoist yogic principles that trigger bio-electric fields in and around the body. This allows for "disruptive information" to merge with technique that can for a split second weaken the opponent. It is the best explanation so far to explain the uncanny abilities of the most famous "light touch" masters such as Morihei Ueshiba, Wang Xiangzhai, Yang Chen-fu, and others.

“The saddest aspect of life right now 
is that science gathers knowledge faster 
than society gathers wisdom.”  
- Isaac Azimov