Sunday, June 9, 2024



John Bracy demos and explains internal power striking for the internal martial arts. This type of FA JIN is not a push or "bounce back." The strike releases internal energy into the opponent's body. As shown in the video, Bruce Lee was a master of the first kind of internal power - that based on "vertical alignment" and instant weight transfer from the back to the front leg (vertical spring power). 
 Briefly introduced here and described on our website: 
The second type of power is based on Taoist yogic principles that trigger bio-electric fields in and around the body. This allows for "disruptive information" to merge with technique that can for a split second weaken the opponent. It is the best explanation so far to explain the uncanny abilities of the most famous "light touch" masters such as Morihei Ueshiba, Wang Xiangzhai, Yang Chen-fu, and others.

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